Jhabwala Environmental Laws FYBSL and FYLLB Sem 2 Jamnadas
- Publisher : Jamnadas
- Author: Pithawalla
- Edition: 2025-26
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.235
Rs.230 Upto 2% off

Description :
Jhabwala Environmental Laws FYBSL and FYLLB Sem 2 Jamnadas 2025 edition in India, is specially designed for students pursuing the three year or five year degree course in law in different education institutes including national law schools. With its comprehensive and exhaustive coverage on this area of law, it is expected to also serve as a useful reference for practicing lawyers, social activists, researchers and students working in various fields, such as, human rights, as also the students of law and environment.
Tags: LLB, Law Books, LLB2, Jhabvala
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